Wednesday, February 25, 2009

black history month ???

What happened to black history month (BHM)?? Everyday in February used to be a reminder to us all. Have we moved past it? Are we now just ignoring it because of our president? it now called African-American history month? (I lose track of what is and is not politically correct at any given time.)
Sister has started a debate amongst our friends, and some of our family. She is still in full support of the month, and of women's history month starting next week, and of hispanic history month (October?). And yet a lot of people are disagreeing with her, saying that the only way we can "cure" racism is by stopping all of the segregation that was begun to so long ago to stop the hatred; that all these things, a month dedicated to the history of a group of people/black entertainment television/miss african-america/etc, only contribute to keeping racism alive.
I'm not sure where I stand on this point. I consider myself to be a very socially liberal person, and most of my friends are in the same boat--Sis on the otherhand is liberal to the point of socialism.
I honestly don't know. I hate that we have a Miss African-America (or whatever that pageant is properly called). I hate that we have a black entertainment television. I hate (get ready, this is a big one) the NAACP. I don't think we need these things in our society anymore. But BHM? I think maybe we still need this...not because we have to be reminded to study it, but because our history books are old, and as far as I can gather, not really being re-written, just added onto. My little cousins in middleschool are now carrying around the same type of american history book I had--but now the Iraq war, 9-11, Y2K, global warming and such have been added to the end of it.
So rather than have a month to study only a certain type of people, what we need is to rewrite our history books--include everyone that contributed to our nation, to our world, no matter the race or gender. Benjamin Banneker deserves the same space in our history books as Victoria Claflin Woodhull as does Jean-Michel Basquiat or Neil Armstrong.
If you affected our history, you deserve your space.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I am online.
Online at my house.
: )

(albeit, not my computer--SO's)
: (

But still...


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


so, it turns out that I'm terrible at blogs. . . . . just awful.

Snow today=superfun times with driving 30 minutes on semi-icy roads to stand in an empty store--on the other hand, I suppose I could say I'm being paid a ridiculously small amount of money to surf the web. so that's fun.

Also, SO and I are trying to find a new town to live in; time for a change...just don't know where we're wanting to move; sister's moving to Boston soon and she's getting stressed, and friend is back on tour.

Oh, and taxes are due. You know, they never bothered me until I had to start filling out the 10-99 forms, now I hate tax season.

happiness and warmth.