Thursday, October 30, 2008


I'm unsure how many people are aware of a terrible hate group in America called The Westboro Baptist Church. Now, it's a small family-based church but they're getting very good at publicity--and they are gaining more funding. When I first heard about them a couple of years ago, I went to their website and it was poorly done and very low-quality. Having just visited, I can tell you that they are obviously getting more money and/or more workers to aide them. This group centers their hate on "fags" and will picket soldier's funerals with signs reading "Mourn your doom" and "God hates fag enablers." Their very "logical" way of thinking is that our country supports/gives rights to/doesn't condemn homosexuality and therefore we are all going to burn in hell--this hatemongering is their way of trying to witness to the world.The reason they have been brought back to my attention is because they are coming to TN to picket the funeral of four highschool cheerleaders.(They believe football is a form of idolatry) Oh, and they include these picketing sessions as part of their "love crusades."
These four girls died in an terrible wreck--along with some passengers in the other car involved. A preliminary report showed that none of the cheerleaders were wearing their seatbelts, and whether or not they were under any kind of influencial substance has yet to be determined--but regardless that these girls didn't seem to be the brightest in the box--picketing their funeral, their family's closure to their young deaths, is in no way kind or considerate.
This quote is taken from the church's website, in their section on their upcoming pickets, about the Huntsville, TN funeral: "Scott County High School - God Killed Your Cheerleaders! So, when we tell the whole round world that the southern states of DOOMED america are full of hypocrites, and in fact we have this little diddy: You southern hypocrites, fag feces is your grits! We have proof, to wit: 1) They know a little bit of Bible, but hate those pure words of God; 2) Their children just keep dying - Ps 55:23 But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee. "

Seriously demented awful people.

The news report of the girl's death:

The website of the hatemongers:
terrible awful no good people

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