Monday, February 11, 2008

sweet serendipity

Last week while SO and I were at the Wal*Store (you know, that horrible chain store that's taken over the world) shopping for road nourishment for the upcoming tour, we were bickering in front of the granola bars of the merits of with fruit vs without (my stance being, he's not gong to be getting many fruits and veggies while on the road) when this little old woman comes up to us and just stares at us. When we conclude the "discussion" (and tossing the granola WITH fruit into the buggy) she leans into me, pointing to SO and asks,
"Is this your sweetheart?"
{smiling somewhat patronizingly} "yes"
-"Are you going to marry him?"
{appraising SO}"probably one day"
-"You should. I've not seen such a beautiful couple so well matched in many years. People tell me I'm crazy, but I thought you should know that your auras match each other very well."
{me, speechless}
SO-{smiling at her} "thank you so much."

and she wandered away.

This may be a completely off-the-wall remark to some, but for SO and I, it actually happens all the time; it happened daily for the several months when we were just friends and refusing to date each other.

It was a nice little portent before the separation.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Rock Star downsides

The upside to having an extremely talented, extremely good-looking, extremely charismatic partner is how much fun it is to show him off, to tell everybody, "yes, this is SO--he's been touring with [this popular metal band]"; "yeah, he's getting ready to leave for two weeks with [this increasingly popular indie rock band]"and so on...also, he's just so much fun to have around. On his downtime he teaches various styles of guitar/bass to local people, so I get used to having him around the house. We'll go some long-ish stretches where he only leaves to teach. But then all of a sudden, he's gone for two weeks again and I'm left to keep myself entertained.

I don't mind being alone, I'm my own favourite company.

It's just kinda strange to be so used to cooking with him, eating with him, watching movies togething, talking to him before I go to bed (he keeps those rock star hours constantly--I'm more of a get-to-bed-around-one-am-girl myself), cleaning up, and other such normalcies; plus there's the regular sex when he's home and probably one of the things I miss most when he's gone.

It always takes a few days for me to get back into the rhythm of being alone again. And, of course, by the time I'm fully comfortable and I stop thinking about how, "well, I shouldn't go see that movie b/c SO really wants to watch it too..." he shows back up again and it takes a couple days to get used to him being around again.

It's not a lifestyle for everyone. One of the many reasons why I've no desire to be married is because I'm testing myself to see if this is the kind of lifestyle I can have for the rest of my life--it's difficult.

He's leaving in just a few days and I already have a HUGE list of things to do around the house, and if I had any money to bet, I'd bet I don't even get halfway through with it before he comes back home.


I've been telling myself for two weeks now that I'm going to try to start blogging regularly (or, as regularly as I can without a computer in my own home). Part of that reason is beacuase I want to keep up with how many books I read in one year. I read a whole lot, and people ask me how many I think I read in a year, and I have no idea, because I've never bothered keeping tabs on it--I want to try to start doing that with this blog., we'll see.