Thursday, April 9, 2009


Alright, yes, I know I'm several days late on this news, but I celebrated the night I found out; and now it's time to share. Are you ready for this???
It's extremely exciting!!!!

Here it is:


yippee!!! This means the number of states that allow gay marriage in one week HAS DOUBLED!!

I cannot believe how well this bodes for the nation...I have such hope.

In related news, albeit BAD news...apparently all those who oppose gay marriage have gotten quite scared at the liberal takeover for civil liberties and has launched this terrifying commercial to run for the next two months, up to eight times a day in California where Prop 8 is back on the table for revocation.
These people, man, I just want to know how it hurts them for other people to be happy. WHY does it bother them if their neighbour is gay?!?? Someone PLEASE explain it to me.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Reason #5 to leave TN as soon as the lease is finished:

(This post could also be called, In which I use WAY too many paranthetical expressions and get very sidetracked)

The weather here blows ass.

I'm not kidding. It is the worst weather of anywhere I've ever been. Sure, because we live in the valley, we really don't get much in the way of a major league storm; hurricanes, tornadoes, and such are all stopped by the mountain ranges. There are practically no earthquakes here as there are no fault lines anywhere close to us.

But there is a saying here, "If you don't like the weather, stick around for a day and it'll change."
And this is unbelievably true.

For example: Sunday? Just three days ago? SO and I ate our regular Sunday breakfast (mmmm......eggs in a basket, bacon, orange juice, milk and LOTS of coffee!!) on the back deck.
Yes, it was so gorgeous outside that we ate breakfast (admittedly it was probably 11am, so I suppose it could be considered brunch) outside!
And then what did we do? A whole bunch of our friends came over for an impromptu kickball tournament.

And while we waiting for all to arrive, some of us (obviously not this uncoordinated girl; meaning myself) preformed various gymnastic feats and we tossed around the frisbee--despite what this image suggests, we are a group of musicians and artists and Curly here was one of just two or three people that actually had a pretty good control over his/her muscles. (By the way, I did try to locate a kickball photo, but everyone's faces are in it, and I'm just not sure that's somthing I should be doing). All in all it was a really good day as after just two or three innings everyone got tired and we headed back to my house; oh yes, someone was wise enough to suggest walking down to the park that's just two (country, not city) blocks away to play rather than stick around in my yard to see who can break which neighbour's window first. And then we finished the day by driving to get half-priced sushi and drinking LOTS of sake....perhaps a little too much sake than is proper on a Sunday evening?

But the weather? Oh yes, THAT. The next day it dropped by about, oh, I don't know 20-30 degrees and on Tuesday? IT SNOWED. ALL DAY LONG THERE WAS SNOW!! I'm still nursing a nasty sunburn on my arms and I'm putting on heavy socks, multiple layers and my SNOWBOOTS to get to work.
Seriously? It's driving me mad.
Sister is in Boston looking for a place to live and on the seventh day in April that we folks here in the south are NOT enjoying gray skies and slushy HEAVY snowfall (it didn't stick by the way, the ground still had to be very warm from the 75 degree Sunday), she was enjoying walking around BOSTON, very northern, in a sunny 50-ish degree temperature.

Yes. That is just another reason to really hate TN.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I'm so happy right now. Yesterday Iowa declared gay marriage a civil right; that by declaring marriage to be between a man and a woman violated their [Iowa] constitutional rights--YAY!!!!

That makes it the third state to allow gay marriage!!! I'm so very proud of them.

This is just another step closer to equal rights!!

friday night

and full of red wine....sweet red Cabernet Sauvignon as I listen to my sweet rock star sing god-awful Manofwar with his drunk friends...

...honestly, I really don't believe other people can be as happy as I am.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

on moving and my Other

Tennessee summers are rather mild as summers go; surrounded by the mountains it cannot get too hot and it gets nowhere near the humidity of the more southerly states. However, I do believe I'd like to try living in a place that perhaps never gets cold; or rather, perhaps rarely gets cold. SO, of course, has such a natural abhorrence for any temperature below 55 degrees Fahrenheit that he simply LOVES this idea. Right now, the top contender is for Savannah, GA. We both fell in love with Savannah the moment we stepped out of the car. I don't believe 24 hours were even spent in that beautiful city and we both knew that it was a perfect place for us.
I'm still keeping hope for Boston (I know, the opposite of warm year-long) open right now; Sister is moving there within the month and I have such a fondness for the north-eastern cities (i.e. my beloved New York) and the trains and the theatre and the people (Northerners are my kind of people, none of this foolish, lets-talk-to-every-single-bloody-individual-in-a-seven-mile-radius-of-where-we-are-standing Southern hospitality shit); plus Boston is simple a TRAIN RIDE from Manhattan, and not just any train ride, a SHORT train ride--anyplace that gets me closer to my city is definitely high up on my Places-Sassy-Should-Be list. But SO doesn't want to move someplace he's never visited before, and despite this severe rationality of his, I'll go along with it; I'm just so happy I'm getting my little homeschooler to move away from the only state he's ever known.