Thursday, November 1, 2007

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

After reading two pretty serious books, I decided to go with something significantly lighter. Now, I've read this book before, but it was a long time ago and it is so very funny.
Two famous sci-fi authors collaborated for this hilarious account of the end of times. There are many points of view narration throughout the book. The characters in the book are really magnificent. There is the demon Crowley who also happens to have started out as the tempter-snake at the beginning of times, his enemy/friend-if-you-can-call-it-that-since-they've-been-together-since-the-beginning-of-time is the flaming sword wielding (or did until he gave it to the first two humans) angel Aziraphale. There is the antichrist, whose misplacement is what the plot is set around, a phophetess and a few witch-hunters. The story is takes place in mondern-day England (or rather, by some dated references, mid-90s England). There are so very many funny quips throughout the who book, that I'd really hate to give it away by giving any examples. The book is also full of footnotes, about the character's past or in one case, "for any Americans who happen to be reading this" to explain some English traits.
One of my favourite parts is how they managed to modernize the Biblical apocalypse. The four horsemen of the apocalypse are actually, two men, one woman, and Death, and pestilance has been replaced by the significantly younger and quipier (word?) Pollution; oh yes, and they ride motorcycles instead of horses.
Without giving away all the funny bits, or the end of the book. Suffice to say that it is a wonderfully funny little book.
(oh, yes, and for nearly a decade, Terry Gilliam [wonderful work!] has shown great interest in directing the movie)

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